Dec 18, 20245 min read
Raising Flynn - House Training
No one can deny that the first time your puppy sits at your feet when told and looks up at you with those brown eyes, your heart melts....
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Oct 21, 20244 min read
Raising Flynn Part 1: The Practicalities of Puppy Parenting
In all this world there are very few things as cute as a baby animal. Anyone who knows me knows I find human babies intimidating and have...
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Feb 1, 20242 min read
Amateur Theatre: The cost of a production
For many people, being part of an amateur theatre company provides them with a place to be creative, make friends and a have the chance...
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Oct 9, 20233 min read
Publishing an Audiobook
For me the concept of an audiobook has always been disagreeable. When I read I want to hear the voices of the characters the way I think...
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Jul 4, 20233 min read
The Power of Theatre: Why Drama Belongs in the School Curriculum
Since early man, society has depended on storytelling. Storytellers were valued over warriors because they were the centre of their...
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Nov 17, 20202 min read
What is a monster in writing?
I've been wondering an intriguing thought since I got feedback from a short story I wrote. In the story I imagined an alien which was...
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Sep 2, 20204 min read
The curse of technology
For some people the modern world of technology is a part of their everyday lives and some don't feel they can live without it. They know...
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Aug 26, 20206 min read
How children's books have changed...?
Over the last few days I've been looking at my next distance learning university course for Creative Writing. I chose to study writing...
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Aug 24, 20205 min read
Is singing dangerous during Covid-19?
I've been wondering this question for a while now. As a singing teacher the restrictions on singing have been a real problem. I'm due to...
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Aug 21, 20207 min read
Thoughts on Theatre, Music, Books, Scripts, Creativity, Animal Antics and Life in General
Starting a blog should be fairly easy... right? I read a lot of suggested guides from supposed experts online as to how to do it. Some...
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