Eleanor Mallinson - Creative Writer
Find Your Fit Programme – Evaluation Report and Case Study
Initial Proposal
In late 2021 Learn by Design were commissioned by the LLEP (Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership) to deliver a programme they felt was required in their area. This programme would focus on young people between the ages of 16-24 who were at risk of becoming, or already, NEET. The programme would be delivered over two cohorts, one in Leicester city and a second in a potentially high-risk area of Leicestershire (which would be determined to be Loughborough and will take place in September-December 2022).
The initial agreement asked for the following KPI’s.
To engage with 30 young people (across the two cohorts)
15 young people to take part in one week of work experience
15 young people to have meaningful encounters with at least 2 employers per month
15 young people to complete the course
10 young people to progress into sustainable work in priority sectors, training or education
10 young people to achieve a qualification in numeracy, literacy or IT (if not already achieved)
The production of 5 case studies
1 evaluation of programme report
Throughout the programme there has only been one change to this and that is the qualifications. As many of the young people already had the required qualifications it was agreed that they could pursue a Level 2 or above qualification in another area that would benefit them personally and their future opportunities.
The first cohort aimed to begin in March 2022 in Leicester.
First Steps
Mike Ridler was initial lead of the project and determined to make the programme successful a team of experience staff would need to be engaged. Ellie Mallinson, from Learn by Design, was brought on as head of the programme delivery, having previous experience working on the ‘New Futures’ NEET project based in Staffordshire. Kelvin Batey, former professional BMX world champion came onto the programme, having previously worked on the ‘Get on Track’ NEET programme in Nottingham. Having a professional athlete on the team allowed for personal stories of motivation and engagement with the young people. With a team in place the first steps could begin. Peter McKenzie, another Learn employee, would also be brought in to meet occasionally with the young people, having the appropriate experience and IAG level.
One of the greatest challenges the programme faced early on was finding a venue. With COVID still a national issue, many of the potential community centres and hireable sites were unavailable due to use as testing centres or supply centres and those that were not, were already booked up with other groups who had moved from their usual venue for the same issue. The room needed to allow for potential internet access for qualifications, space for practical activities as well as a projector for workshop delivery, seating for up to 25 participants and ideally be in a city centre location to allow easy travel for all.
After many emails and requests, a contact at Leicester council passed on the details of Kezia at Leicester De Montford University and a conference room they had for hire in the building called ‘The Venue’. This was the perfect location and ideal room for running sessions. Learn were also able to negotiate a meal voucher deal which meant participants could be given free lunch whilst on the programme and redeem it for an assortment of high-quality meals in the University Food Court (this proved to be a popular draw for the participants).
The next step was recruitment. On 28th February the team attended the Leicester College Apprenticeships Fair and began to make connections with young people from the college and also with the staff, as well as local businesses for future employer encounters. Several ‘Expression of Interest’ forms were completed at the event and meetings arranged with the careers team at Leicester college.
Emails and phone calls were made to several organisations, including other programmes for young people as well as schools and colleges. On the 1st of March Ellie and Peter visited Leicester and walked to as many potential recruitment sites as they could, delivering flyers to employment and career centres, support organisations for young people, the community police and the job centre. During this initial engagement a contact was set up at the job centre specifically for young people, called ‘Pegasus House’. Face to face meetings on this day ensured potential recruitment opportunities. Below is a list of contacts made, not including all the career advice centres visited:
The Park Lodge Project
The Bridge East Midlands
Falcon Support Services
The Dawn Centre
Reality Youth Project
National Youth Agency
Connections Leicester
Eyrers Monsell CYP
Boost - project for young cancer survivors
Probation Leavers
Mansfield House Police Station Probation
Leicestershire Cares
Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth College
Gateway College
Wigston College
Leicester College
City of Leicester School
Beauchamp City Sixth Form
Countesthorpe Academy
English Martyrs Catholic School
Bosworth Academy
New College Leicester
Explore Learning Tuition centre
Leicester Stoneygate Learning Centre
Direct Tuition
6 S Tutorial
Hi Spark Academy
Specialist Education
Centre Project Leicester
Leicester Partnership School
Leicester Employment Hub
Pegasus House - Job centre for 18-24-year-olds
Job Centre Plus
Learn by Design also began marketing the programme with a heavy online presence, using videos on YouTube and Tik Tok. This was a great way to speak directly to the young people of Leicester.
Unfortunately, the job centre was slow to respond to initial requests to come in and recruit and after a couple of weeks finally sent over forms that they said needed to be completed before allowing the programme to be considered; these had a waiting time of three weeks after completion. The forms were completed the same day and sent over. It wasn’t until the beginning of April that we were able to get into the job centre in person as part of one of their employment events.
The first cohort began on 8th March. Of the EOI forms completed at the Leicester College event, several young people were interested, but were still engaged in completing the course they were on. Many expressed an interest in joining the course at a later time if it was to run again, as they were not happy with the college course they were on and uncertain as to their future after college, however wanted to complete the year. The very nature of NEET people is that they can be likely to not stick with something and despite an expected 6 participants on day one, only three turned up and the other three did not respond to any communication.
The three initial participants came to the programme through different referral processes. One from the Park Lodge project (an organisation helping young people with housing and accommodation), one from Boost (the young cancer survivors support charity) and the third had seen a Tik Tok advert and contacted to find out more. Another participant would join a few weeks later, through the probation service.
The next day we were joined by a fourth participant brought along by one of the participants who had joined on day one. These participants filmed a promo video early on to help advertise and recruit more young people, using their own words and thoughts on the programme.
In April Learn were able to go into the job centre and speak directly to young people, advertising the programme in person. The following day we were also able to attend a large job fair at the Leicester Tigers Rugby Stadium. These two events provided a large number of EOI’s and two new participants joined the course in person that day. With Easter holidays, it was difficult to get the new EOI’s to convert into physical participants, with many saying they would be in the following week, but then saying the same thing the next week, before finally ceasing communication. One of the original group decided to leave the course, however no reason was given as to why. The course then had 8 participants. One of these young people suffered with severe anxiety due to her Autism and she only stayed for a few sessions; every effort was made to get her to return, but she refused due to personal reasons.
Phase 1
Phase 1 of the programme, called Discovery, concentrated on motivation, personal development, social skills, confidence building and reflection to help the participants understand their own strengths and weaknesses and explore possible interests they had which could be converted into a job in the future. This phase is highly practical, with very little written work, but extremely important as it allows the staff and other participants to build relationships and trust which ultimately helps development. Some of these sessions were repeated as we acquired new starts a month after the programme began and it was important for the new members to explore the skills these sessions develop.
The first couple of sessions began with some simple games and ice breakers to learn more about the people on the course, including the staff, and some team and communication activities. The games included were ‘higher or lower’ (a card is turned over, if they said higher than the previous card and it was they were safe, but if they were wrong they had to answer a question from one of the other participants – this was a great way to find out about people and get to know them), cone grab, 2 truths and a lie. An initial IAG meeting was included at this early stage.
All participants had a folder to track progress and review and reflect on experiences during the course. At the beginning of the course, the participants were asked to answer the following questions:
What made you decide to sign up for ‘find your fit’?
What do you think you need to improve on? Does anything hold you back?
What are your future goals? What would you like to achieve?
Have you done any work experience before? If so, what was it?
They also gave their qualifications, any additional support needs, permission for sharing of data and video/photographs taken during the course, and signed a declaration agreeing to follow the course rules and obligations:
I agree to attend all sessions, unless by arrangement with the staff, and will inform the ‘Find Your Fit’ team if I am unable to attend for any reason
I agree to complete my work experience
I will put effort in to working towards and attaining a qualification whilst on the course
I will take part in employer encounters and be polite, realising the employer have given up their time voluntarily
I agree to treat all students, staff and premises with respect
I will not bully, threaten or act violently towards other participants or staff
I will aim to try my best during this programme and take part in activities, even when they push me out of my comfort zone
I will attend ready to get involved with no impairments; no drugs or alcohol affecting my ability to achieve
Further sessions explored motivation, with Kelvin providing his personal story as an elite athlete and the highs and lows that came to him during that time. This personal approach really connected with the young people who could see some of his very dark and difficult times and how he managed to overcome these challenges.
We approached target setting, using Learn’s ‘Big Kit’ – Rowers, Speed Cage, Batak, Sprint. We discussed the use of SMART goals and how to set them based on some or no information when using the equipment. We then transferred this idea into life goals, with each participant setting themselves a goal for that day, a short-term goal and a future goal. Later participants would mention during the course if they had completed one of these goals.
In one session we explore Diversity within the group and the ideas of Inclusion, Prejudice (including considering how this could happen in the workplace), seeing both sides of an argument, impulse control and first impressions/assumptions we make about people. This was also connected to the idea of job interviews and how you are judged the moment you walk through the door before you have even said a word.
Teamwork and communication were a large part of this phase and we set them several challenges; the bucket challenge (using the ropes to tip balls from one bucket into another), organising themselves into specific lines without being able to talk i.e. Into house number order, birthday and height. Minesweeper (teams have to work out and navigate a course through a cone maze), blind draw (a person must describe an image for everyone else to draw, but they aren’t allowed to say certain words) and guiding a person who is blindfolded to pick up a beanbag hidden in the room. We also took the group to an escape room (twice due to new starts) to see how they coped with the challenges and working as a team to solve the puzzles. This was a very successful activity and even though the second group failed to complete the room they still all really enjoyed the challenge and worked well together to attempt to escape.
We tackled dealing with stress using meditation and the circle of concern, expectations (in the form of a card game) and resilience through the ‘resilience team challenge’. During this activity the group are set a variety of tasks (memorising playing cards, learning PI to 10 digits, putting together three simple jigsaw puzzles in 1 minute, building a shape out of Jenga blocks in 1 minute, 2 minute wall sit, grabbing a pen that is dropped before it hits the floor, getting the entire group through a hoop in a set time, throwing beanbags into target zones to get 100 points or more and a whole group 1 minute silence). The team practice and then arrange the tasks into an order they want to approach them in. Starting at task 1 and working their way through, they keep going unless they fail at a challenge, in which case they must return back to number 1 and start all over again. This challenge our group proved to be very good at, showing their ability to work together and becoming the only group our staff had seen not to fail at anything and complete it in their first run.
As a group we debated several serious topics including ‘whether murder or child abuse was the more serious crime’ and asked them to put forward their argument for their personal choice of which side to sit, seeing if they could convince others to change their opinion. Although dealing with a difficult subject this proved to be a popular session with ideas being discussed confidently, even from the quieter members of the group. This encouraged them to consider different opinions and respect others for their choice and sparked some serious reflection on the way they first felt, compared to the way they felt at the end of the debate.
Town Task was perhaps the most effective in pushing the young people out of their comfort zone and had the most impact on their social skills and confidence. A set of treasure hunt style challenges were given to the participants, and they were divided into small teams. They were then asked to go into town to complete the challenges. Some were problem solving, finding a specific thing to photograph – for example ‘Zebra’ and how they might find something that represented that, some were specific bits of information they had to find or items they had to collect like business cards or careers advise leaflets, but most required them to talk to strangers to gather information, get a selfie with them or get strangers to sing or dance with them. Because we restarted phase 1 after picking up some late joiners, this task was completed twice with slightly different questions. At first participants were nervous; speaking to people they didn’t know was scary, but they soon realised that they could do it and if someone rejected their conversation it really didn’t matter.
The final sessions explored finances. We used the Qwizdom to complete a ‘surviving the adult world’ quiz which explored ideas arounds money, independent living and general knowledge we as adults should all have (but probably don’t). The competitive nature of this workshop really inspired the young people. We examined budgets and set them a holiday planning task. One participant in particular had been very low in confidence regarding maths, but this challenge encouraged her to see maths as a useful subject and how budgeting could be a good thing. We also explored investment using the ‘finances game’ -each participant is given a certain number of beanbags representing money and targets on the floor. If they manage to throw a beanbag into the target they get the money back, but also the additional amount for that target, if they miss however, they lose that beanbag completely and can only buy it back once they have earned a certain amount of money. They can also choose to invest in another player, having them throw the beanbag, and split the reward. This game was very popular, but also taught them vital lessons on investing and gambling.
At the end of phase 1 participants were asked to reflect on the course so far, what they felt they had learned and enjoyed, what they had found challenging and if anything had changed from their initial questions at the start of the course.
Phase 2
Phase 2 of the programme called ‘Skills Builder’ focused more on gaining qualifications and employability skills. We discussed the many transferable skills and examined which they felt they already had, their interests and how these might have other skills attached. We did a SWOT analysis and thought about which skills they might need to develop based on their weaknesses, and which other skills they might not have considered they already had which others could give examples of them showing.
The beginning of the qualifications was delayed by the need for clarification regarding what qualifications would be acceptable. Most of the participants already had their Maths, English and IT and instead would benefit more from a different qualification. This was arranged with the LLEP, highlighting that the aim of the course was to benefit each person taking part and give them skills for the world of work; ideally they would all greatly benefit from gaining a qualification specific to their own goals and needs. As such one participant was enrolled on Maths, two studied Level 2 Customer Service qualifications, one participant studied ‘Health, Nutrition and Personal Exercise’ to add to his previous college qualifications in sports coaching and the final participant studied a Level 3 in an Education based qualification that would help him be able to work in schools in the future.
As well as qualifications, the participants took part in the following employability sessions:
The Search is On – a competitive board game format in which teams must search for jobs online, complete application forms, answer questions and pick up ‘chance cards’ to move around the board. This game is very competitive making it an interactive way of exploring job searching and also educating the participants on things they might do well or wrong which could affect their possibility of an interview or job in the form of the chance cards.
All about the Comms – a session examining body language, first impressions and possible mock interview questions and answers, done in the form of a ‘fold the paper pass it on’ game.
Online Profile – a session examining what a Google search of their name might bring up and thinking about what a potential employer might find, how a personal profile and certain photos might give the wrong impression and also using the robots to arrange what they should put on professional and personal profiles.
Group Interview – this session put them into two teams and asked the participants to build a tower out of paper and a few other items sticking within a limited budget to spend on materials. They were told this was being treated as a group job interview, but not told that the tower was not actually the important aspect of the session, it was in fact analysing how they interacted as part of their team and the transferable skills they demonstrated during the activity. They were each marked on these skills throughout the session and scored, but before the scores were revealed, it was explained to them what the point of the challenge had been and they were asked to select who they would have chosen to hire for the job. The scores were then revealed. Interestingly, the group all selected the winner before even knowing who it was, because they had learned to recognise what an employer might be looking for.
Other sessions included two presentation challenges. These were difficult for the participants who found it scary to speak in front of one another, even by this point in the programme, however they all did very well. We began by going through some presentation tips and techniques and reminded them of the dealing with stress techniques we had learned in phase 1. The first presentation, they were asked to pick a topic they found interesting and prepare a five-to-ten-minute presentation with slides. After the presentations we gave them feedback on their presentation skills and discussed the interesting things we had learned from each of them. The evidence of growth in social confidence became very apparent in one participant’s presentation about his own personal weight loss journey and his emotional struggles.
The second presentation challenge explored being a self-employed business and took the form of ‘Dragon’s Den’. Participants had to come up with a service/product they could produce and imagine they were a person setting up a unique self-employed business. They had to consider the business mission statement, their 4 P’s, a slogan/logo, the budget for initial set up and how much they hoped to make. They then had to deliver a pitch to the rest of the group. The pitches were then voted on to select a winner.
At the end of phase 2 participants were once again asked to reflect on their journey through the course. This was a way of marking their own improvements, things they were proud of achieving and understanding what still challenged them.
Phase 3
The final phase of the programme called ‘Take Action’ was slightly shorter. It focused on the final steps towards leaving the programme.
Participants still had qualifications to complete, but we also set up work experience for each of them. Unfortunately, due to a variety of delays only one participant was able to complete the work experience during the allotted week. A delay in DBS paperwork stopped one participant from going that week and this was rescheduled (unfortunately, they then got Covid and had to delay again). Another fell through last minute but arranged a once-a-week work experience session which would take place over several weeks during the summer. Another had to wait for an interview and was delayed by the interviewer’s holiday, so this session was moved back until later. The final participant also had to rearrange due to the school he was due to work with having a Covid lockdown on work experience week, and his was moved to take place at the end of August on a summer camp.
During the final part of the course, we also explored the ‘CV Builder’ session. This used Qwizdom to consider what they should and shouldn’t put on their CV. All participants bought in the CV they had and were given tips and notes on how to improve it, specifically considering their profiles and how to write their interests and hobbies in a way that demonstrated skills.
A future plan was discussed with each person individually, considering their future goals and aims. Potential further education was explored with those who wanted to examine this, whilst others applied for jobs and considered where they would like to be in a year.
At the end of the course the participants were asked to complete final questions and consider what they had personally achieved and got out of the programme.
What have you achieved during this course? (qualifications, work experience, personal achievements)
What did you find most challenging about ‘Find Your Fit? Is there anything you didn’t enjoy or would do differently?
What did you enjoy most about ‘Find Your Fit’? What are you proudest of?
What are your future goals and aspirations?
Think back to the start of the course and the answers you gave to the ‘Course Aims’ questions. Is there anything you think has changed or anything else you would like to say about your time on ‘Find Your Fit’?
As a final activity the participants were asked to come up with awards, both funny and serious and vote for who they felt they should go to on the course. Some of these awards, particularly ‘personal growth’ were very difficult to choose as each participant had come on such a long way. These were then announced in a final celebration day, during which time the Learn by Design marketing team came and interviewed the young people to get their thoughts on the programme and how they felt it had helped them. They then had a celebration activity as a team to round up the end of the course.
Although the course officially ended on the 12th July the participants all hope to stay in contact and meet up and they remain in contact with the staff for any additional support and to ensure all qualifications and work experience are completed. This support will remain should any participants need advice on next steps or references for jobs.
Additional Benefits
‘Find Your Fit’ has seen many additional benefits for the young people on the programme. Perhaps the most understated is the free lunch. Lunch time is an opportunity for the participants to build relationships and socialise, but often also continue learning in a natural environment. Discussions and debates would sometimes take place, as well as opportunities to work on budgeting and communication when ordering food. Discussions on nutrition and personal wellbeing often took place in this environment and participants would later in the course take the chance to push out of their comfort zone by trying something new and learning from the experience.
During each phase there have been encounters with employers and specific events which have allowed the participants to build networking skills, transferable skills and learn valuable techniques, as well as discovering opportunities they might not have known about before.
During phase 1:
ALDI – two regional managers from Aldi came in and discussed the different paths they took into their roles and the numerous training schemes Aldi offer. The participants were very excited by the opportunities they hadn’t known about and many investigated Aldi closer in their own time, with one seriously considering the graduate or year in industry schemes.
Job Fair – The participants were able to attend a job fair and apply for positions, as well as ask questions and broaden their knowledge of different sectors they could work in. (Two of the course participants gained jobs from contacts made during this visit).
During phase 2:
Vanessa, from Millennium Point, years of experience in HR – Vanessa very kindly volunteered to come in and give a talk on what employers look for and the different types of interviews you might come across. She provided each participant with a booklet they could keep with lots of helpful information. The participants reacted very well to this talk and took a lot of useful information away.
Self-employed businesses – we took the participants into town and got them to approach small businesses to find out what it was like to set up a business and be self-employed, the steps you might take to do that (including finances), the challenges of being self-employed and the benefits. This experience involved a local art dealer and gallery, a homeopathic healing and spiritual business and an interior designer/decorator. The participants really learned a lot about how to run a business themselves and how demanding it could potentially be.
During phase 3:
Mock Job Interviews – six different employers/employees of large companies from the midlands came to act as interviewers for the participants. The participants were given the name of the person and the company in advance to conduct research if they wanted to. There was a mixture of virtual and in-person and, due to technical difficulties, one phone interviewer. The participants rotated round the interviewers, having about ten minutes of questions with each and then taking feedback. This allowed them to learn from and improve each interview putting into practice the feedback they received. It was also very interesting to see how the different interview style affected them. One in particular was very casual and asked the question ‘if you were a drink what would you be?’. This question put a lot of the participants off balance, and we discussed afterwards how this could happen in an interview and that sometimes you would be asked questions that seemed not to make sense, but were in fact a way of the interviewer getting to know you as a person. After the interviews the interviewers introduced themselves, their companies and offered more advice and tips.
Millennium Point Event – On 7th July, Learn By Design ran a large scale event called SciSports at Millennium Point in Birmingham. This event invited schools (mainly primary) to take part in activities and workshops, see shows and meet athletes who were all celebrating the joining of sport and science and how these two subjects develop together, all in honour of the Commonwealth Games. The course participants were invited to attend the event as supporting staff. This gave them the opportunity during the day to assist on workshops and interact with the stands and children, helping them get the most out of the event. They gained valuable experience working in a volunteer capacity. After the children left, the event changed to a talk and networking event. The participants heard more stories from athletes, inspiring motivation and determination, and then mingled with businesses and exhibitors, giving them the opportunity to network and make contacts that could benefit them in the future. They thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Potential Improvements
There were a great many positives on this programme which will be discussed shortly, but there were also improvements that can be made for cohort 2.
Firstly, recruitment is particularly challenging. It takes time to build contacts and relationships with people who may be able to refer young people to the course. The time required for this was underestimated and as such phase one had to repeat sections to integrate new members part way through the course. This is not ideal, although most original participants were happy to repeat tasks they had enjoyed, as it pushed back other areas of the course.
The course has no reputation, being new to the area, and it took time to get into the job centre. We are now a recognised course and have been told we are welcome to return to the Leicester job centre whenever we like, which should make potential recruitment for Leicester easier. It doesn’t specifically help with Loughborough recruitment however and this is a shame as we are likely to face similar ‘newbie’ challenges in the second location which may ultimately affect numbers. Were we to run the course again in 2023 we would be likely to increase participant numbers based on the contacts we have now built and the success of the first cohort.
Due to the delay in phase 1 and the confirmation of alteration to the qualifications to allow other Level 2 qualifications, this part of the course began very late. This meant that none of the participants had completed their course before the end of the programme. They are continuing to work on the qualifications in their own time, but it is harder to ensure this happens when they are no longer seeing the staff each week.
Work experience has also been a challenge. Covid still has a large impact on businesses and sourcing places willing to provide work experience was extremely difficult as many companies now work from home. The other work experience challenges were unfortunate and out of our control, but it may be worth aiming for an earlier week in the second programme to allow for any delays, rearrangements, to ensure all participants are able to complete the work experience before the end of cohort two.
Positives of the Course
The ultimate aim of this programme is to make a difference to the lives of its participants and there is no doubt this has been successful.
The format and the staff were well received, and the casual approach ensured engagement from individuals who may have struggled before with education settings. The use of games and interactive activities to teach is more effective with these individuals than a written based programme. It should also be noted that although written reflection is only done at the beginning/end of sections of the course, participants regularly reflect verbally throughout each session and this allows for greater personal growth. Phase 1 runs extremely well, and the employability workshops during phase 2 and 3 were also effective. The employer encounters are very successful and hopefully many of the contacts made from cohort one will be able to volunteer their time again for the second cohort, with some possible additions specifically geared to the personalities in the next programme.
The increase in confidence, social skills and the general appearance of the individuals was clearly visible, not just to those who worked with them each week, but also to others such as the marketing team who came in early on and then again at the end and commented on the change in the young people and how much more outgoing they seemed to have become. More of this is discussed in the individual case studies. Anxieties about speaking with strangers has all but gone and there were moments when even the most nervous came out of their shell unaided or prompted and this shows a clear change in their own social confidence which greatly improves their future opportunities.
Those who were struggling with confidence have realised they can face rejection and move on without feeling down about it, in either a personal or professional environment. One participant will be continuing in person with his degree when he lacked the confidence to move away from home before. Another has a job lined up and is gaining other valuable experience. Another will be working part time for Learn by Design, whilst hoping to transition into full time if a position opens, deciding that even though he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life before the course, ‘Find Your Fit’ has inspired him to want to enthuse other young people in a similar way. The other two participants are limited due to personal housing situations, however they are both looking for part-time work which will fit into the limited hourly allowance and one is considering taking gradual steps into training to allow them to go to university, an idea that before the course seemed impossible, but is now something achievable if done in small steps. Not all participants will step straight into their future goals but having taken part in the programme we have given them the inspiration to believe it can be done and the motivation to set the targets and steps that will get them there gradually.
Next Steps
Support will continue to be given to those who have completed cohort one and contact will be maintained to ensure qualifications and work experience are achieved.
To ensure the smooth running of cohort two, some changes will be made to the timing within the programme. Recruitment has already begun in Loughborough and a venue secured, complete with café for lunch time social connection. Further action will need to be taken from all involved to ensure maximum recruitment numbers. It will be challenging considering the smaller area and lower population in comparison to Leicester city and the addition of summer holidays meaning many potential recruitment sources are now away until September.
Ultimately this programme is about helping individuals and making a difference to their lives and the programme should not be changed in a way that may compromise the potential to do this. It is successful and has shown to be so in Leicester in the changes seen in the participants. This will be the aim of cohort two and this will be achieved.